A while back, it was brought to my attention. I've been developing a new problem. This problem brings me so much joy in my life. Sometimes I don't think about other factors in my life till after I buy some concert tickets. I've even had to resell concert tickets because it conflicts with work out of impulse buys.
The crazy thing with addiction is we will substitute. For me, it was giving up drugs and alcohol. I filled that void by going to concerts. When I was using, I never went to concerts. In reality, I don't think I did anything fun while using.
I look at concerts as a healthy addiction. I express myself a lot through music. We also have to watch that what we are doing now being sober doesn't hurt our recovery. When going to concerts could be a slippery slope for some people. This is why my daughter is my little concert, buddy. It's always important to have an accountability person with you.